Barefoot or $200 Nikes?

Barefoot running or $200 Nikes?  According to Jason at “Strength Running” the answer for most people is somewhere in between.

“If your goal is to improve upon your 5k PR or train consistently six days a week for the next 4 months, there’s no need to “pick a side” and go barefoot or stay in your $250 “intelligent” running shoes.  Ignore the hype.  You can have your cake and eat it, too.”

The full article as well as a few interesting comments can be found at:

Categorized as Running

By Phil

Phil is the media wizard behind the brilliant FuncThat. He discovered CrossFit in 2009 and has been hooked ever since. He eagerly awaits the day CrossFit adds weight and age classes to the Games since he's confident he could dominate the 125 pound, 38 year old male division (as long as double unders aren't included). You can follow Phil and FuncThat on pretty much every social media platform ever. Here's a summarized list: Google+, Twitter, Facebook. If you're looking for help setting up your affiliate's site or need a hand with your social media you can contact Phil at

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