Jim Wendler Thinks You Stink

The ever quotable Jim Wendler left the following tidbit in the comments on a Facebook post:

All people say is “I can’t”. Or why it wont work. Failure follows people around like a bad fart.

Succinct and to the point.  Get your head right and start doing something instead of saying why you can’t, or even worse, why someone else can’t.  Actually, go ahead and tell me I can’t.  I can always use a little extra fuel…

The Facebook thread can be found here.



By Phil

Phil is the media wizard behind the brilliant FuncThat. He discovered CrossFit in 2009 and has been hooked ever since. He eagerly awaits the day CrossFit adds weight and age classes to the Games since he's confident he could dominate the 125 pound, 38 year old male division (as long as double unders aren't included). You can follow Phil and FuncThat on pretty much every social media platform ever. Here's a summarized list: Google+, Twitter, Facebook. If you're looking for help setting up your affiliate's site or need a hand with your social media you can contact Phil at psteffek@functhat.com

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