Need a CrossFit screensaver? There is only one. Check out this awesome little work of art: Me thinks this will be the new screen saver on my phone. Thanks to the Thick Curly Love blog for this gem!
Category: Outside The Gym
Pistol Packin’ Ninja (CrossFit vs. Mud)
Just slipped on some mud in the parking lot and almost went ass over teakettle. Luckily, my cat like CrossFit reflexes saved the day. Front leg shot out pistol style and I came out of the bottom like a champ! I’m thinking of going back for a few more reps…
Mobility WOD: Where to start?
So everyone around you is talking about “mobility”. And you say something intelligent like: “uh, what are you talking about? What’s mobility?” Then they say “U r lame. Check“. This is problematic in two ways:
Functional Fitness – In Action
What does functional fitness look like? Being able to do the things you want to do (and being the coolest Dad on the beach). Check the picture.