Former pro powerlifter and super coach Jim Wendler breaks down he’s new“Monolith” training template to add some serious size and strength. The most startling portion is the meal plan required to fuel the work. (8 eggs? That’s just a part of your breakfast.)
Category: Mass Gain
“I Can’t Gain Weight”: A Strongman’s Tips For Skinny CrossFitters
Fact: I’m the skinniest guy you know. Fact: Being the lightest guy in the gym is not good news in CrossFit. Sure, I’ll smoke everyone if we ever do a 100 handstand pushups for time, but at 125lbs and five foot seven inches, the standard men’s kettlebell (53lbs) is over 40% of my body weight.… Continue reading “I Can’t Gain Weight”: A Strongman’s Tips For Skinny CrossFitters
Midnight Shakes For Weight Gain by Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics Blog
Being the super-fly weight that I am (ha! super fly!), I’m always interested in ways to put on a few pounds. Olympic lifting coach Greg Everett takes a very pragmatic look at the practice of waking up in the middle of the night to guzzle a protein shake. At the core the question is: does… Continue reading Midnight Shakes For Weight Gain by Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics Blog
Squat Technique – Number One Mistake And Correction
Elite powerlifter Dave Tate identifies the most common mistake when performing the squat as well as a relatively easy correction (50 sec video included).