Bruce Lee Says: If You Want A New Snatch PR You Must Chill

How’s you like to improve your snatch without any extra training? Here’s a great article explaining why a pre-lift routine is critical to nailing PRs.  The post below from Fubarbell explains how a routine helps top level athletes make big lifts. Normally, I’m pretty skeptical but this post basically mirrors what a number of CrossFitters… Continue reading Bruce Lee Says: If You Want A New Snatch PR You Must Chill

Midnight Shakes For Weight Gain by Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics Blog

Being the super-fly weight that I am (ha! super fly!), I’m always interested in ways to put on a few pounds.  Olympic lifting coach Greg Everett takes a very pragmatic look at the practice of waking up in the middle of the night to guzzle a protein shake.  At the core the question is: does… Continue reading Midnight Shakes For Weight Gain by Greg Everett – Catalyst Athletics Blog