A 19th Century Female Author’s CrossFit Tips

Check it out. Novelist Amelia E. “Wodzilla”  Barr, who died in 1919, was an awesome CrossFit coach. Prepare to absorb a serious knowledge bomb when she drops the following nine tips on you (although she mistakenly thought she was talking about literature as opposed to CrossFit). “Do you even lift bro?” – Amelia E. Barr… Continue reading A 19th Century Female Author’s CrossFit Tips

Fastest Rope Climb Technique: Three Methods Reviewed

Just came across a question on reddit.com regarding how to prevent injuries while doing rope climbs. It occured to me that rope climbing injuries have become substantially less common as more people have shifted to the “BUDS” rope climbing technique. There’s a great article on ITS Tactical comparing the different techniques. Link to the complete… Continue reading Fastest Rope Climb Technique: Three Methods Reviewed

News: Miss America Does CrossFit? – Huffington Post

According to the Huffington Post the new Miss America, Mallory Hagan, is a CrossFitter.  Her boyfriend was quoted as saying: “She did not want to be rail-thin,” Maynard said. “She did it the right way: She did a lot of CrossFit, and she just ate a lot better.” The full article (which also states that Jason… Continue reading News: Miss America Does CrossFit? – Huffington Post