CrossFit Games 13.2 Strategy: The Greatest Hits

You’ve got a few days left to enter your score for the 2013 Crossfit Games Open workout 13.2.  There are a ton of different posts and videos on the web breaking down strategies for maximizing your score on these workouts. In an effort to beat my wife’s score I have dutifully read or watched every… Continue reading CrossFit Games 13.2 Strategy: The Greatest Hits

Bruce Lee Says: If You Want A New Snatch PR You Must Chill

How’s you like to improve your snatch without any extra training? Here’s a great article explaining why a pre-lift routine is critical to nailing PRs.  The post below from Fubarbell explains how a routine helps top level athletes make big lifts. Normally, I’m pretty skeptical but this post basically mirrors what a number of CrossFitters… Continue reading Bruce Lee Says: If You Want A New Snatch PR You Must Chill

A 19th Century Female Author’s CrossFit Tips

Check it out. Novelist Amelia E. “Wodzilla”  Barr, who died in 1919, was an awesome CrossFit coach. Prepare to absorb a serious knowledge bomb when she drops the following nine tips on you (although she mistakenly thought she was talking about literature as opposed to CrossFit). “Do you even lift bro?” – Amelia E. Barr… Continue reading A 19th Century Female Author’s CrossFit Tips

Fastest Rope Climb Technique: Three Methods Reviewed

Just came across a question on regarding how to prevent injuries while doing rope climbs. It occured to me that rope climbing injuries have become substantially less common as more people have shifted to the “BUDS” rope climbing technique. There’s a great article on ITS Tactical comparing the different techniques. Link to the complete… Continue reading Fastest Rope Climb Technique: Three Methods Reviewed