Doing Murph Tomorrow? 6 Things To Do Today

1.  Hydrate!  With water (not beer, you lushes).  And I mean LOTS of water!!!  When you feel sufficiently hydrated, drink a little more.  You’ll thank me for it tomorrow. 2.  Don’t overdo it today… no intense WODs that are going to cripple you for tomorrow.  It’s a good day to rest or do a strength… Continue reading Doing Murph Tomorrow? 6 Things To Do Today

“I Can’t Gain Weight”: A Strongman’s Tips For Skinny CrossFitters

Fact: I’m the skinniest guy you know. Fact: Being the lightest guy in the gym is not good news in CrossFit. Sure, I’ll smoke everyone if we ever do a 100 handstand pushups for time, but at 125lbs and five foot seven inches, the standard men’s kettlebell (53lbs) is over 40% of my body weight.… Continue reading “I Can’t Gain Weight”: A Strongman’s Tips For Skinny CrossFitters

Lowrider: Why Your Squat Technique Isn’t Helping Your Olympic Lifts

Listen. There’s something you need to think about before you step up to the squat rack (and no it’s not whether or not you’re going to do curls). Are you about to squat because you want to increase your max back squat? Or are you squatting because you want to be a better olympic lifter.… Continue reading Lowrider: Why Your Squat Technique Isn’t Helping Your Olympic Lifts